Meet the IBC Student Prep Leadership

Our Board of Directors play a crucial role in shaping and guiding our organization’s strategic direction and overall success. Comprised of experienced professionals, industry experts, and community leaders, the Board provides leadership, oversight, and expertise in key areas being budgeting and finance, creating new initiatives, and networking opportunities. Members are required to pay dues, promote our mission, and apply creative thought and planning to impact our target communities. Overall, the Board of Directors at Infinite Brilliance Student Prep INC demonstrate leadership, governance, and strategic acumen to drive the organization forward towards continued growth and success. 


Executive director

Dr. Bridgette Moody


Dr. Jamie King


Dr. Osric Forrest


Olin Dunford II


Programs Coordinator 

Sharee Allen

SECRETARY & Programs Associate

Sharon Childs 

Are you interested in joining the IBC Student Prep Board of Directors? Please complete the below form and a member of our team will connect with you within three business days.